Name: Jeff 'Napt' Mitchell


Hair: Brown

Eyes: Hazel

Even from an early age, Jeff showed his affinity for acting. Wait, strike that, he'd never acted before working on "Drive" with Hell Llama. Never the less, he enjoys it, and is glad to be one of the founding members of HLP. His interests include airsoft, photography, and swords, which can quite be volatile if mixed correctly (or incorrectly for that matter). He aspires to one day be a pilot, raining death and destruction upon the midgets of the Northwest. Or just flying people around, whichever works out for the best. In his spare time he plays video games and battles pirate-laser-nazi-space-pope chefs.

Napt, an acronym for NotAPopTart, is his NoC (nickname of choice) and he prefers it to his own name.

He is the lunatic pictured in the HLP logo, although in person he isn't really a walking shadow. That would be Gabe.